2028 (Southam) Squadron

Royal Air Force Air Cadets


Take a browse around and see all the activities on offer in the Royal Air Force Air Cadets. We offer young people from year 8 to 17 years old the opportunity to become involved in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. We have had numerous Cadets reach the D of E Gold level and most of our Cadets gain Bronze and Silver Awards. Cadets reaching the age of 18 can currently remain in the Air Cadets provided they inform their OC before 17 1/2 and are DBS cleared, fulfill criteria and attend a Course together with the consent of the Wing Commander.

We Fly, Glide and Shoot, we are involved in our Local Community, we help with a Local Heritage site and if you like sport we can offer that too! Academically, you can also achieve a BTEC in Aviation Studies and a First Diploma in Public Services. You can also work for a Certificate from the CVQO. We offer opportunities to develop your personal skills way beyond your expectations. Various age qualifications apply as you progress through your training.

So like what you see? Want a challenge and get to know other young people who have similar ambitions? Why not come along and visit us and bring a Parent on either Monday or Thursday evening from 1900-2130hours at Millar House, Wattons Lane, Southam.

I would also be more than delighted to see anyone interested in becoming an Adult Instructor in the Air Cadets. This is a superb opportunity to help young people to become better citizens by challenging them both academically and physically. Have you got what it takes? Then come along and see us.

I will be pleased to see you all, both potential Cadets or Adults, and show you around our Headquarters, give you a talk on what we get up to, and hopefully, encourage both you and your friends to join the best youth organisation in the UK today.

Flight Lieutenant Daryll Moreton RAFAC Commanding Officer