Our Squadron Headquarters Building, Millar House, is situated at the end of Wattons Lane in the Town of Southam, Warwickshire. Travel down Park Lane alongside the Library, past the Recreation Ground and turn left opposite a sharp right hand bend, follow this road through the new housing estate and you will see our HQ at the end.
We Parade twice a week on Monday and Thursday Evenings from 1900 hours until 2130 hours - so come and check us out!!
Sometimes we meet on other days, normally during a weekend; this is to allow Cadets to go Flying, Shooting, Gliding, do Expedition Training and other activities such as Sport and Sponsorship. We also go out together for a social evenings, this is usually on a Parade night. You can see examples of these and many other activities by visiting our website or follow the Facebook link.
We also have our own Closed Group Facebook Site which you can join once you become a Cadet at 2028 Squadron and get up to the minute news on our Parade evenings and other activities.
The best way to find out exactly what we do is to come and visit us on one of our regular Parade evenings, then one of the staff will be delighted to give you the grand tour of our building and give you a first hand insight into the opportunities waiting for anyone joining the Royal Air Force Air Cadets.
Joining is easy, come along and see us, be in year 8 or over, bring a Parent or Guardian to help you complete the Enrolment Form. Once you have done this and provided us with two passport style photographs, you are on your way to becoming a member of one of the leading uniformed Youth Organisations in the United Kingdom.
Furthermore we are always looking for Adult Instructors.
Do you think you have what it takes to look after young people? Are you willing to give up some of your spare time to help our Cadets to become better Citizens?
You can apply to be a Civilian or Uniformed Instructor. Interested? Why not pop along and see what the Royal Air Force Air Cadets can offer you as an Instructor.
You may also be interested to know that every Air Training Corps Squadron has a Civilian Committee who look after the welfare of the Cadets and not only manage the finances but arrange sponsorship to raise funds for the Cadets.
So if you would like to get involved as a Civilian Committee member pop along during Parade nights and introduce yourself!