2028 (Southam) Squadron

Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Fisher House Sponsorship rewarded!

10 Apr 2018

On Monday the 9th April, 2018 Mr Ray Kirton visited the Squadron to both say 'thank you' and present Certificates to two Cadets and the Squadron for our annual efforts in raising money for Fisher House at the QE2 Hospital in Birmingham.

Mr Kirton spent a few minutes with the assembled Cadets and then presented Cadet's Constable and Fisher with Certificates recognising their fund raising.

Those Cadets who took part in raising the money also received a pin badge shwoing the Fisher House Logo.

Flt Lt Moreton then received on behalf of the Squadron a letter from HRH The Prince 'Harry' and Fisher House a Cerrtificate of appreciation for the over £1000 we raised! Well done to everyone for raising much needed funds to support our injured service people in their recovery.

« Bumper parade for Awards before Easter 2018 - 2028 has their own Fantastic Four!! »